Re: [OLC] quest editors

From: David Sun (wedget@MCI2000.COM)
Date: 08/29/98

Matt Roach wrote:
> Will there be any quest editors coming out?  like you could write
> a quest, and a Quest mob would take and/or hand out the prizes for
> the winners or something like that?

usually, less-generic things like that are actually coded in and
not patched in...

"The optimist sees the doughnut, the pessimist sees the hole."

char c[160],z;main(x,d){for/*/      -- Wedge --       /*/(x=159;x--
;c[x]=32);c[79]=z;c[39]=88/*/   /*/;for(d=31;x
=78,puts(c+z),d--;z=80-z)/*/   high school junior   /*/for(;--x;c[x
+80-z]=88-56*!(c[z-!0+x]/*/   mud and game coder   /*/-c[z+x+1]));}

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