Re: [BPL14] Portals with objects

From: Stephen Wolfe (siv@CYBERENET.NET)
Date: 09/14/98

> i went nowhere.  So i checked the values on the portal and it has the right
> values also i get a syserr: illegal value passed to char_to_room. (Room:
> 6134/1968 Ch: 00b44150)
> so i will include the code for do enter that came with the patch in hopes
> that someone can help me figure it out.
> from ACMD(do_enter)

6134 is probably a room probably want to make val1
real_room(6134) or just make val2 6134 from i can infer from the code..


>             if (GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 0) != NOWHERE) {
>               char_from_room(ch);
>               char_to_room(ch, GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 0));
>             } else if (real_room(GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 1)) != NOWHERE) {
>               char_from_room(ch);
>               char_to_room(ch, real_room(GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 1)));
>             }

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