Re: [DEBIGGING] Infinite Loops Spelta" at Oct 19, 98 10:44:18 pm

From: Joshua French (jfrench@UMR.EDU)
Date: 10/19/98

> >
> > At 08:30 PM 10/17/98 +0200, you wrote:
> > >My mud is getting caugth into endless loops, and i dont know how to track
> > >them down!
> > >Does anyone have any ideas?
> >
> >
> >
> > If you're on linux/unix, start the mud under GDB and hit control-C when
> > you're in your endless loop. Then use the "backtrace" command to see where
> > you are. (You can also use GDB to break into an existing mud process, "gdb
> > bin/circle <process id number>").
> Good, i'm running GDB under linux, but what does 'break into an existing
> mud process' mean ?
> Does the mud create child processes? and how do i see their id's , the top
> command and ps don't show them...
here's an example:
% ps
 25497 ttyr9     0:00 login.krb5
 25559 ttyr9     0:00 newmail
 25509 ttyr9     0:00 tcsh
 25688 ttyr9     0:00 ps

PID is process id, maybe someone else can expand upon gdb since i'm not a
gnu guru, but i take it that he means to specify the pid such as

% gdb bin/circle 25666

assuming that my circle process was 25666, now you're debugging a running


email:       ICQ#:   13579151
        Joshua French          web:

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