Re: [ADMIN][Win95] Circle Mud translated in C++ Part 2

From: Scott Johnson (Scott.Johnson@SUFSYS.COM)
Date: 11/05/98

I use C++ most often and it's hard to go back once you learn some of the
benefits that it provides.  Although C is very good and I don't have a
problem using it.  Anyway...

I did see a C++ mud on the net somewhere.  I don't remember the name or
exactly where.  I do know that I saw it while searching for different muds
that are available.  I think the web page I was on at the time was Dragon
....something...  I downloaded it and took a quick look at it.  The mud was
an OOP mud, however is was very basic and I didn't have the time to rewrite
everything that's in and working perfectly in Circle...  I do see it as a
good "project" mud though.


                -----Original Message-----
                From:   Mathieu Nantel [mailto:nant@VIDEOTRON.CA]
                Sent:   Wednesday, November 04, 1998 5:31 PM
                Subject:        Re:  [ADMIN][Win95] Circle Mud
translated in C++ Part 2

                >What's the reason for the mud to be written in a OOP
                >Seems that you're asking a lot.

                Let me remind you that I'm not asking that anyone translates
the code here.
                I've been trying to find Circle translated in OOP for mainly
two and a half

                -I am currently studying in Computer Science and always
working in
                Object-Oriented Programming (C++ in my case, though I
thought about using
                Visual Basic).

                -It has been proved, OOP is by far easier, less
memory-eating and more
                versatile than Ansi C or those languages out there which are
not using
                classes. The concept of MUDs is *loaded* with objects:
mobiles, objects,
                players, rooms, zones. I can't stop thinking about how
practical such a code
                would be.

                -Though Circle is to me the greatest MUD code up to now, it
still remains
                hard to code for those "4th generation" coders who don't
know what a STRUCT
                is... (before working on Circle code, I did not know what a
Struct was).
                Coding techniques evolve every minute out there (look at
Visual Basic, even
                a baby can code something I'm having a hard time coding in
C). Anyway, what
                I am trying to say here (yeah, I'm only trying...) is that
Circle will have
                to evolve one day if it wishes to be more accessible to Mr.
and Mrs.

                I can bet on one thing after what I wrote here: I am going
to be flamed for
                my ideas (I can already read the "Well, go learn C" or "Stop
using Circle
                and start making your own MUD engine...").

                Oh, and my respects to Mr. Elson and those who work hard for
                Although I criticised the Circle code here, I don't believe
I would be able
                to redo such a huge thing without some serious learning.
Thanks for making
                such a thing available to all.

                        Mathieu Nantel

                                                                 Owner of
                                                        Les Terres de Norek
(french version)
                                                        based on CircleMUD


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