Re: [OLC][OASIS] New roomcommand

From: Ron Cole (
Date: 12/03/98

>Im trying to make a command creating a new room, without using redit from Oasis. Lets call it makeroom.
>I found the function redit_setup_new in redit.c which I was planing to use.
>But somehow I cant get it to work. Basicly it should work like this:
>makeroom 10222(which dont exist)
>blah blah
>blah blah

I'm going from memory, but I think you need redit_save_internal, or something
close to that.  The setup routine doesn't make a real room, just a room-like
piece of memory for the editor.  The save_internal routines are the ones that
actually add them to the world, and then the save_to_disk routines umm.. save
them to disk, oddly enough.  :-)


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