Re: [CODING] Spec Proc bug...

From: Chuck Reed (
Date: 12/11/98

I added two lines.  Should fix it.

>        struct char_data *vict;
>        static round;
>        static max_rounds;
>        vict = FIGHTING(ch);
+        if(!vict)
+          return FALSE;
>        if(max_rounds == 0) // if max_rounds has not been set yet
>                max_rounds = number(3,6); // set it to a random number
between 3 and 6
>        if ((GET_POS(ch) == POS_FIGHTING))//if the mob is fighting
>    {
>                //need to let a few rounds go by first
>                if(round < max_rounds)
>                {
>                        printf("Round - %d\n",round); //debugging code
remove when done
>                        round++;
>                        return FALSE;//return for next round
>                }
>                else//if random number of fights has occured
>                {
>                        //tell everyone and the player that they have been
>                        send_to_char("\r\nBlah blah... dont want to give
my idea
>                        //stop the fight
>                        round = 0; // reset round variables for next fight
>                        max_rounds = 0; // reset max rounds variable for
next fight
>                        //stop_fighting(ch);//was removed since
char_from_room does this anyway
>                //stop_fighting(vict);//made no difference.. bug still exists
>                        //move the player to the desired room
>                    char_from_room(vict);//remove player from current room
>                        char_to_room(vict, real_room(30004));//put him in
the room
>                        //have player look at new room
>                        look_at_room(vict, 0);
>                }//end else
>        }//end if
>        else//if mob is not fighting
>        {
>                round = 0; // reset round variables for next fight
>                max_rounds = 0; // reset max rounds variable for next fight
>                act("Some special room action is done here.... :)", FALSE,
ch, 0, 0,
>        }//end else
>return FALSE;//return to regular code
>}//end SPECIAL(mob)
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