Re: [Code] [Newbie] A player list command

From: Cj Stremick (
Date: 01/18/99

You get the error because the PLR_FLAGGED macro is intended to take a
*char_data argument, not char_file_u.  You should probably just check the
deleted "flag" by doing your own "&" test on the bitvector (I don't know
it's name off-hand, check the char_file_u struct in structs.h for the name
of the member) and the PLR_DELETED flag.


----- Original Message -----
From: Melissa Jadwinski <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, January 18, 1999 1:12 PM
Subject:  [Code] [Newbie] A player list command

>Hi all, I have whipped up a player list command which is based on mostly on
>do_who and Brian Helms' show immortals snippet.  It takes an argument
>similar to do_users or do_who.  I am pretty new to Circle coding in general
>and while the code works fine, it includes deleted players.  Any ideas on
>how to screen for deleted players?  I get compile errors when I do a simple
>if "(PLR_FLAGGED(player, PLR_DELETED)) continue;".  The command is pretty
>useful other than that....  (I have races on my mud, if you don't you
>should remove those portions before using this.)
>Thanks a ton!
>Melissa Jadwinski
>/* Player Search command shamelessly twisted from do_who, idea
>   inspired by Brian Helms <>'s show immortals
>   snippet, and by Primacy <>'s do_players.
>, 18 Jan 99
>#define PLAYER_FORMAT \
>"format: players [minlev[-maxlev]] [-s] [-c classlist] [-r racelist]\r\n"
>  FILE *fl;
>  struct char_file_u player;
>  size_t i;
>  char mode;
>  int low = 0, high = LVL_IMPL;
>  int showclass = 0, short_list = 0, showrace = 0, num_found = 0, done = 0;
>  char tmp[64];
>  skip_spaces(&argument);
>  strcpy(buf, argument);
>    if (!(fl = fopen(PLAYER_FILE, "r+"))) {
>      send_to_char("Can't open player file.", ch);
>      return;
>    }
>  while (*buf) {
>    half_chop(buf, arg, buf1);
>    if (isdigit(*arg)) {
>      sscanf(arg, "%d-%d", &low, &high);
>      strcpy(buf, buf1);
>    } else if (*arg == '-') {
>      mode = *(arg + 1);       /* just in case; we destroy arg in the
>switch */
>     switch (mode) {
>      case 's':
>        short_list = 1;
>        strcpy(buf, buf1);
>        break;
>      case 'l':
>        half_chop(buf1, arg, buf);
>        sscanf(arg, "%d-%d", &low, &high);
>        break;
>      case 'r':
>        half_chop(buf1, arg, buf);
>        for (i = 0; i < strlen(arg); i++)
>          showrace |= find_race_bitvector(arg[i]);
>        break;
>      case 'c':
>        half_chop(buf1, arg, buf);
>        for (i = 0; i < strlen(arg); i++)
>          showclass |= find_class_bitvector(arg[i]);
>        break;
>      default:
>        send_to_char(PLAYER_FORMAT, ch);
>        return;
>      }                         /* end of switch */
>    } else {                    /* endif */
>      send_to_char(PLAYER_FORMAT, ch);
>      return;
>    }
>  }                             /* end while (parser) */
>  send_to_char("\r\nPlayer Search:  ", ch);
>  while (!done) {             /* begin while statement */
>    fread(&player, sizeof(struct char_file_u), 1, fl);
>    if (feof(fl)) {
>      fclose(fl);
>      done=TRUE;
>    }
>/*      if (PLR_FLAGGED(?player, PLR_DELETED))   <-----  Arrggh
>        continue;
> */
>      if (player.level < low || player.level > high)
>        continue;
>      if (showclass && !(showclass & (1 << player.chclass)))
>        continue;
>      if (showrace && !(showrace & (1 << player.race)))
>        continue;
>      if (short_list) {
>        sprintf(tmp, "%-12.12s%s",
>     ,
>               ((!(++num_found % 4)) ? "\r\n" : ""));
>        strcat(buf, tmp);
>      } else {
>        num_found++;
>        sprintf(tmp, "%s",;
>        strcat(buf, tmp);
>        strcat(buf, "\r\n");
>      }                           /* endif shortlist */
>    }
>  }                             /* end of while */
>  strcat(buf, "\r\n");
>  if (num_found == 0)
>    sprintf(tmp, "No players found.\r\n");
>  else if (num_found == 1)
>    sprintf(tmp, "One player found.\r\n");
>  else
>    sprintf(tmp, "%d players found.\r\n", num_found);
>  send_to_char(tmp, ch);
>  page_string(ch->desc, buf, 1);
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