Re: Sv: a spell

From: Angus Mezick (
Date: 01/20/99

1) don't forget to snip out the .sig when responding, another
one will be added
2) Could you send the code for this haste spell so I can see
what you are doing,  if you can't figure out where to put
GET_AGE(ch)+=1; (the ++ worries me) you are going to need to help
our crystal balls out.

im fairly new to this

but how do i put that in after the affection for more attacks ??

> Fra: Angus Mezick <>
> Emne: Re:  a spell
> Dato: 19. januar 1999 23:28
> GET_AGE(ch)++;
> --Angus

> "Jan T. Pedersen" <> on 01/19/99 05:06:58 PM
> Hi
> i made a haste spell and wants it to give the person who uses it +1 to
> permenantly
> this is what i did but that didnt work
>     af[1].location = APPLY_AGE;
>     af[1].modifier = +1;
> Anyone have the sullution to this ??

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