From: Roger Thiede (
Date: 02/07/99

>Did anyone else get this error when configuring?

configure: /bin/sh: not found

Yes, I used to get that error.  But just reset your mounted folders and do
them all over again.
(This is what to try if you use 2.02.1(2)-release (i586-pc-cygwin32))

(do this twice or so) mount --reset
**after you do that you SHOULD have C:    /   showed in your mount)
mount C:/Cygnus/Cygwin-b20/h-i586-cygwin32/bin /bin
mount C:/Cygnus/Cygwin-b20/h-i586-cygwin32/bin/sh /bin/sh
**change to your circle dir
bash configure
cd src
cd ..
. autorun

That worked for me, I suspect it gave us that error because our /bin/sh wasn't
set correctly so it was looking for C:/bin/sh.

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