Re: Source for Scoreboard

From: Tony Robbins (
Date: 03/03/99

----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Gesner <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 1999 8:13 PM
Subject:  Source for Scoreboard
>  for (d = descriptor_list; d; d = d->next) {
> if (str_cmp("paintball", buf)) {
>   if (PRF_FLAGGED(d->character, PRF_PAINTBALL))
>     sprintf(scorebuf,"%s %15s Individual %d      None"
>     ,scorebuf,GET_NAME(d->character),GET_SCORE(d->character));
>     }
>  else if (str_cmp("lasertag", buf)) {
>   if (PRF_FLAGGED(d->character, PRF_LASERTAG))
>     sprintf(scorebuf,"%s %15s Individual %d      None"
>     ,scorebuf,GET_NAME(d->character),GET_SCORE(d->character));
>     }

One of these should always be true, at least, especially because you're
using str_cmp() wrong.  Here's something I would do.

const char *scoreboard_games[] =

/* search_block() is your friend */

  struct char_data *tch;
  int game, counter = 0;

  if (!*argument) {
    send_to_char("You need to specify a game to see its scoreboard.\r\n",

  one_argument(argument, arg1); /* arg1 is a global I believe */

  if ((game = search_block(arg1, scoreboard_games, FALSE)) < 0) {
    send_to_char("That is not a valid game!\r\n", ch);

  /* You can't get this far without having done something right.  Prepare
     the buffer!  Note, I use one strcpy(), because I think its tech-
     nically nanoseconds faster than three or four sprintf() */

  strcpy(buf, "             Rhu-Dina'ar Automatic Scoreboard\r\n"
              " Name:          Team:          Score:          Bonus:\r\n"

  /* 'game' now has 0 if the argument was an abbreviation of paintball,
     or 1 if it was an abbreviation of lasertag.  I like switches over
     if-else segments */

  switch (game) {
  case 0: /* paintball */
    /* Now we have to go through the character list and see who is playing
       paintball.  You used the descriptor list.  I'm not sure which way
       is better. */
    for (ch = character_list; ch; ch = ch->next) {
        counter++; /* increment this counter so we can put a number of
                      players string at the bottom of the buffer.  Good
                      in case there's nobody playing. */
        sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), " %15s Individual %d      None",
            GET_SCORE(ch)); /* buf+strlen(buf) is essentially the same as
what you
                               did, but its safe on Borland compilers who
clear the
                               buffer before printing into it */
        /* Next! */
    break; /* done in this case, next is almost an exact duplicate. */
  case 1: /* lasertag */
    for (ch = character_list; ch; ch = ch->next) {
      if (PRF_FLAGGED(ch, PRF_LASERTAG)) {
        sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), " %15s Individual %d      None",
  default: /* should never reach this point */
    sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), " An error has occured.  Contact an

  /* This could more safely be put in the case values so that the default
case message is
     the last line when there's an error.  That should never happen though.
  sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), " There %s %d players participating in
%s.\r\n", (counter != 1 ? "are" : "is"),
    counter, scoreboard_games[game]);

  /* Alright, I think the buffer is ready to be sent, do you? */
  send_to_char(buf, ch);

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