[GDB] Understanding Output

From: Julian Buckley (s348266@student.uq.edu.au)
Date: 03/04/99

Heya list...

Forgive me if this seems an elementary question, but I'm just trying to
work out gdb output's and the like...

The mud crashed today whilst in sedit, and I got this from gdb:
(gdb) bt
#0  shop_keeper (ch=0x3e7460, me=0x380ce8, cmd=310, argument=0xffc64
"sedit") at shop.c:844
Cannot access memory at address 0xef7ff744.

What's the simple definition of it, and is it fixable?

 Julian Buckley, 3rd Year Software Engineering
 Dept. Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Qld
 E-Mail: s348266@student.uq.edu.au
 Web Page: http://student.uq.edu.au/~s348266/index.html

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