Re: Languages

From: John Hines (
Date: 03/05/99

Date sent:              Fri, 5 Mar 1999 22:39:29 +0100
Send reply to:          Circle Discussion List <>
From:                   Christian Loth <>
Subject:                Re:  Languages

> Greetings,
> George wrote:
> > Interesting to note that 45% of people on my "CircleMUD 4.0 Language"
> > poll have voted for C.  This is only 3 votes short of the C++ options
> > (31% / 14% split between C++ from scratch and C++ from converting
> > CircleMUD 3.0) combined.
> >
> > How do people feel about C++ with STL?

Well to be truthful...What's wrong with sticking to a good plan?

I have yet to experience any troubles with C even though people
will tell you as fast as they can the limitations of C. Then again
what do I know...

I'm no coder...just a fat old hippie :)
John Hines
Weefcraft Custom Tiedyed Apparel

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