Re: [NEWBIE] test mud <>

From: Albert White - Sun Ireland (
Date: 03/06/99

> Why? because I AM CANADIAN
possibly :)

try looking in the syslog it will tell you what port its running on, and point
you to errors. It should start like this:

Mar  6 16:48:48 :: CircleMUD, version 3.00 beta patchlevel 14
Mar  6 16:48:48 :: Using lib as data directory.
Mar  6 16:48:48 :: Running game on port 4000.

and end like this:
Mar  6 16:48:53 :: Boot db -- DONE.
Mar  6 16:48:53 :: Signal trapping.
Mar  6 16:48:53 :: Entering game loop.
Mar  6 16:48:53 :: No connections.  Going to sleep.

if all goes well...

  Albert White - System Administrator - SUN Microsystems, Ireland
"I haven't lost my mind -- it's backed up on tape .... somewhere."

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