Re: Languages

From: George Greer (
Date: 03/10/99

On Wed, 10 Mar 1999, Christian Loth wrote:

>> {
>>   vars
>>   do stuff
>>   if {
>>     more vars
>>   } else {
>>     more vars
>>   }
>> }
>Agreed. But isn't this also subject to your initial criticism?
>If not, then I guess I didn't fully understand it...

Nope, that I'm fine with. You see a {, you know they're variables you use
only in the scope of the next }.

However, C++ lets you do this atrocity: (Which I think I spelled wrong, but
I'm in Windows, ick, right now doing taxes, triple ick.)

  int foo;
  .. do something ..
  int bar;
  .. some more things ..
  char *foo = strstr(this, that);
  ..more stuff...
  if () {
    .. more things...
    int oh_I_need_a_variable;
    ...more stuff...

It may be handy to some people but you spend more time figuring out where a
variable came from than figuring out what is going wrong.

George Greer            | Code from Erwin S. Andreasen (mudFTP, mcl)   |

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