I am trying to put together an information (CircleMud Information) page for newbies, to point to the documentation give helpful information, etc. I have posted a little questionnaire on the CircleMud mailing list with only a few responses, but they were extremely helpful. Thank you to those who responded. It would be more helpful if more responded though. I am now asking everyone who is interested, to take a look at the page, and tell me what they think. What should I add, and if there is anything else I can add/fix/remove or what ever!? home.earthlink.net/~caminturn/cmi.htm Let me know what you think, please. The more help I get, the more help newbies get and the less you see the same ol questions on the mailing list. This should also get those who don't know where to look for answers a starting point. Again, Thank you for all your help. +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ: | | http://qsilver.queensu.ca/~fletchra/Circle/list-faq.html | +------------------------------------------------------------+
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