Re: [LINUX] monkey linux

From: Sean Tindall (
Date: 03/16/99

You'll have to re-configure the code, but there's no reason why it
shouldn't run.....unless there's something about Monkey Linux that I don't
know about........I suppose if you are already using MLinux it couldn't
hurt to try it.

-----Original Message-----
From:   Robin Wylie [SMTP:wylier@BACH.AUGUSTANA.AB.CA]
Sent:   Tuesday, March 16, 1999 6:51 AM
Subject:         [LINUX] monkey linux

If I wanted to install circle mud into moneky linux (a small version
of linux that runs under a dos partition) would it work? I'm not
going to connect it to the internet, however I will just be usuing it
for experimenttation with coding.

Why? because I AM CANADIAN

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