Heres how my Cygnus shell is set up, this may or may not help you. It works properly under Windows NT Server........ All I do to start my mud is go to the mud directory and type "autorun &" (not ./autorun or whatever) and it works great. Here are my mounting points (just the important ones): Device Directory Type Flags c:\temp /tmp native text!=binary d:\stuff\mud /mud native text!=binary d:\cygnus\cygwin~1\etc /etc native text!=binary d:\cygnus\cygwin~1\H-i586~1\bin /bin native text!=binary C: / native text!=binary And here are my cygnus configuration files........ ---8<--- @ECHO OFF SET MAKE_MODE=UNIX SET PATH=.;D:\CYGNUS\CYGWIN~1\H-I586~1\BIN;%PATH% ----> notice the first entry of the path -> "." SET HOME=D:\cygnus\cygwin~1 SET MAILCHECK=0 SET LD_LIBRARY_PATH=C:\WINNT\System;C:\WINNT\System32 SET CYGWIN="tty title nostrip_title" echo. echo Welcome to the crazy world of Unix within Windows! echo. bash --login --- # .bashrc Config for Bash Shell export PS1='\W>' cd ~ # set aliases alias rm="rm -i" --- # Make Bash 8bit clean set meta-flag on set convert-meta off set output-meta on # Ignore case while completing # set completion-ignore-case on --- # .profile for Bash Shell source .bashrc --- Hope this helps!! sT -----Original Message----- From: Jess Heinig [] Sent: Friday, March 19, 1999 3:19 AM To: Subject: NEWBIE: configure problems Unfortunately, trying to run ".\configure" just gives me "configure: command not found." I'm also using Win 98, but I tried your "configure | sh" and "autorun | sh &" fixes and neither worked, I'm sad to say (with "configure: command not found" and "autorun: command not found," followed by "[1] 1673 [1]+ Done autorun | sh," whatever that means). If you can by any chance remember what you did to get it to work, I'd be much obliged. It beats spending $600 for a Microsoft C++ compiler . . . Thanks again, Jess Heinig Sean Tindall wrote: > I am using Cywin GNU under Windows NT Server and I have had no problems > configuring and compiling my mud. In fact, I didn't have to use "sh > .\configure", I just ran ".\configure". (Actually I just used "configure", > I added "." to my path environment variable.) > > The very first time I used Cygwin GNU, it was under Windows 98 and I had a > little problem with the "configure" and "autorun" shell scripts. I think > the command I used was "configure | sh" or "autorun | sh &". I can't > remember what I did to fix it, but eventually I had the shell scripts > running exactly as if they were actually on a Unix box. > > I hope some of this helps. > > sT > > -----Original Message----- > From: Jess Heinig [] > Sent: Thursday, March 18, 1999 2:59 PM > To: > Subject: NEWBIE: configure problems > > First post and I'm already starting with the dumb questions. > > Since I'm cheap and I'm spending money on hardware instead of a decent > compiler, I'm using freeware to compile a copy of Circle 3.0. It doesn't > help that I'm a Unix retard. > I'm using Cygwin GNU-Win32, the Unix emulator for Windows. I've got > their version 20.0, and I've managed to set up my /bin and /tmp > correctly despite their name changes to some of the paths. I've got the > Cygwin bin executables directory mounted to "/bin." I get "sh > ./configure" up and running, and it goes through all the checks, > finishes everything up, then ends with a mournful "./configure: /bin/sh: > not found" message that keeps me from getting anywhere. > Once I can get past this and the make, I can probably do fine since > I'm OK with gcc . . . I just suck at Unix and can't figure out what I'm > doing wrong here. Any help/flames/comments would be most welcome. > > Thanks, > Jess Heinig > > +------------------------------------------------------------+ > | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ: | > | | > +------------------------------------------------------------+ > > +------------------------------------------------------------+ > | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ: | > | | > +------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ: | | | +------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ: | | | +------------------------------------------------------------+
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