An easier way to fix all these problems everyone is talking about is to create mounting points. In Cygnus' setup documentation, they actually recommend mounting /tmp, /etc, /bin, and /. (/ is usually already mounted to c:\ or something) Here's how to mount: (just use the command "mount" to see your current mount table, and the command "umount" to un-mount a path. BASH>mount Drive:\\Path /mountpoint OR >mount /unix-path /mountpoint, where "/" must be already mounted (i think) So for example, use the following command to mount /tmp to the temp directory on your C: drive BASH>mount C:\\Temp /tmp ...and the /bin dir: BASH>mount d:\\cygnus\\cygwin-b20\\H-i586-cygwin32\\bin /bin * You need to use two "\"'s, not just one if you use the absolute DOS-PATH, or you can mount the Unix equivalent as well (Cygnus can use both), but if you do you have to make sure that your "root" directory is mounted properly, ie. "/". These mounting points are stored in the registry, and they can be editted there as well. The key is: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin.dll setup\b15.0\mounts\..... Here is what my mount table looks like: Device Directory Type Flags c:\temp /tmp native text!=binary d:\stuff\mud /mud native text!=binary e: /games native text!=binary d:\cygnus\cygwin~1\etc /etc native text!=binary g: /cdrom native text!=binary d:\cygnus\cygwin~1\H-i586~1\bin /bin native text!=binary f: /archive native text!=binary d: /apps native text!=binary a: /a native text!=binary C: / native text!=binary Mounting is much nicer than dealing with symbolic links. sT -----Original Message----- From: Tony Robbins [] Sent: Sunday, March 21, 1999 10:48 AM To: Subject: Re: [NEWBIE] More Cygnus questions All these problems with Cygnus leave me slightly baffled. I thought there was a FAQ[1] for some of this stuff, but here's some stuff that I did to make mine work fine. The Configure Script -------------------- The problem with the configure script is that the first line: #!/bin/sh is referring to a command that isn't present in /bin. One solution is to copy a bunch of stuff into /bin, but the other, more logical way to solve the problem makes use of Cygnus' Linux-like setup. A symbolic link will take care of all of this stuff. BASH.EXE-2.02$ ln -s /cygnus/cygwin-b20/H-i586-cygwin32/bin /bin This makes it so all of your command files can be referenced from the /bin folder. Realize that /cygnus corresponds to c:\cygnus, so you nee to make sure you use the name of the folder that you specified during your cygnus installation. Temporary Folder ---------------- You also need a /tmp folder. I did another symbolic link to my C:\WINDOWS\TEMP (/windows/temp) so my temporary files are all taken care of at one time. For more information on ln, the symbolic linker, type ln --help inside your Cygnus (or Linux) shell. Hope that helps, -B. 1. Maybe I'm just thinking of the time I wrote a FAQ for it. My computer locked up before I saved it. +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ: | | | +------------------------------------------------------------+ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ: | | | +------------------------------------------------------------+
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