From: Xual (
Date: 03/23/99

On Tue, 23 Mar 1999, Jiri Bajer student wrote:

> Hi!
> My problem is: I'm merely newbie coder, so I need more time to debug
> my parts of code. So I'd like to run a testing mud at home, but my HW
> is too poor (386DX, 4MB RAM, 40MB HDD without network connection B-( )
> to run a UNIX on. So I got a (maybe heretic) idea: change some
> communication macros and functions to use printf() and scanf()
> instead of network operations and allow only one player to be
> connected.
> Hmm. Easily said, but: Did anyone try to do it? All I need is to log
> with Imp character and test my additions to current code. (Now I'm
> using Borland C++ 3.1 - Dos only version). All advices would be
> welcome, thanx a lot.

Find a UNIX shell somewhere, you're just asking for a headache, especially
if you're a newbie coder.

"Misery is boundless"
        -Xual the Torturer, on the Eve of the Sundering.

Danathara Online RPG

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