On Fri, 26 Mar 1999, Patrick Dughi wrote: >#0 0x8058cab in perform_immort_where (ch=0x20202020, > arg=0x20202020 <Address 0x20202020 out of bounds>) > at act.informative.c:3010 0x20 = 32 = ' ' > Obviously its overwriting memory somewhere (as opposed to trying >to do a string comparison or the like on a null string), but where, I >cannot see. Aside from actually sitting down and debugging it for real, >anyone seen this before, or have any ideas? Here's something to try: for (i = character_list; i; i = i->next) if (CAN_SEE(ch, i) && i->in_room != NOWHERE && isname(arg, i->player.name)) { found = 1; - sprintf(buf, "M%3d. %-25s - [%5d] %s\r\n", ++num, GET_NAME(i), - GET_ROOM_VNUM(IN_ROOM(i)), world[IN_ROOM(i)].name); + if (snprintf(buf, MAX_STRING_LENGTH, ...the above...) < 0) + log("Overflow: " (+ the above snprintf format)); send_to_char(buf, ch); } If that doesn't get it, try: void print_object_location(int num, struct obj_data * obj, struct char_data *ch, int recur) { int off = 0; if (num > 0) off += sprintf(buf, "O%3d. %-25s - ", num, obj->short_description); else off += sprintf(buf, "%33s", " - "); if (obj->in_room > NOWHERE) { if (snprintf(buf + off, MAX_STRING_LENGTH - off, "[%5d] %s\r\n", GET_ROOM_VNUM(IN_ROOM(obj)), world[obj->in_room].name) < 0) log("Overflow: [%5d] %s", GET_ROOM_VNUM(IN_ROOM(obj)), world[obj->in_room].name); ...rest as above... -- George Greer | Stock Bug Reporting or Help greerga@circlemud.org | http://bugs.circlemud.org/ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ: | | http://qsilver.queensu.ca/~fletchra/Circle/list-faq.html | +------------------------------------------------------------+
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