In an attempt to design a DG script, one of my builders came up with the following problem. When a players enters the room after a god on the following dg script, the wrong commands are being sent to the player... Here's the DG-Script: Where's the problem ? Type: Greet if ( %direction% == north ) if ( %actor.level% > 89 ) bow say I am at thy service my lord... halt elseif (%actor.level% == 1) say The Quest of has been fulfilled... tell Your quest has only just now begun... mload obj 200 give sword say Take thy new found weapon, and be off with you. halt end elseif (%direction% == east) if (%actor.level% > 89) say This chamber is blessed by your presence my lord. bow halt elseif (%actor.level% < 90) say Thy presence here is highly disdained... This is sacred ground... say be off with you! mteleport 203 mecho The old man makes a gesture with his hands, and dissapears. halt end end +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ: | | | +------------------------------------------------------------+
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