Re: [NEWBIE][SYSTEM] Borland problems

From: George Greer (
Date: 03/29/99

On Mon, 29 Mar 1999, Allen Parish wrote:

>I am new to creating MUD's so please go easy on me.  I have Windows 98 on
>a P-II 350 with 64 MB of Ram, and I also have Red Hat Linux (which I
>can't get to work) and Borland C++ Builder 3.  I have downloaded
>CircleMUD 3.0 and have read the documentation for Borland but it only
>mentions Borland C++ 5.00 and 5.02.  Can I not use Borland C++ Builder 3?
>I ask this because when I run the command make -fmakefile.bcc I get a lot
>of errors and it won't let me continue.  Is this because I am using
>Borland C++ Builder 3?

I think Borland C++ Builder 3 is Windows 3.1 based, which won't work.

I could be wrong, seeing as how I don't own nor have ever seen any Borland

George Greer            | Shirak's CircleMUD for Windows help   |

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