Re: was ... Ieditor now Romlama

From: Michael Cunningham (
Date: 03/30/99

On Mon, 29 Mar 1999, George Greer wrote:
> When you finish it, send it my way and I'll make it one of my supported MUD
> file formats in my database parser project.  This would (in theory) allow
> CircleMUD to load that file without prior conversion.

Will do.. This sounds neat..

> One request, let me set up the site structure in a section of the
> developer site (we'll see after massive www site reorg later) and then let
> you make the modification yourself.  If you don't like the current
> Slashdot-based code then I'm sure I can make some changes and even a
> different "theme" type thing for the section.

Hmm.. not really an sql guy + I would need any account to add passwords
and manage accounts/files.

> If, however, you don't like that idea (but I must say SQL is lovely), then
> at least consider a * hostname.  I think Jeremy said he
> wanted to make more of those but you'll have to check with him on that for
> the latest news.  I could be utterly wrong by now.

This would be the prefered way for me..

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