SV: [NEWBIE][SYSTEM] Borland problems

Date: 03/30/99

I use the the Cygnus and win 98 it works fine, If you need help mail me and I will try.
Read the windows doc in the manual that comes with Circle and theres a
an area at that might help.
When you (if you decide too) get Cygnus (unix emulator) running there are many building
tools. One of which scrambles the reg files, I think its the one by Shirak.
I can send you a zipped file that wont. I also bought Red hat and cannot get it in my system.
I used about 3-4 week-ends, the last time I managed somehow to Format over my C:\
I was not pleased.... I lost all my addresses and passwords in all my Muds... Bah...
Anyway try the Cygnus and see how you do

Good Luck...

Neal Robinson.
    -----Opprinnelig melding-----

    Hi all,

    I am new to creating MUD's so please go easy on me.  I have Windows 98 on a P-II 350 with 64 MB of Ram, and I also have Red Hat Linux (which I can't get to work) and Borland C++ Builder 3.  I have downloaded CircleMUD 3.0 and have read the documentation for Borland but it only mentions Borland C++ 5.00 and 5.02.  Can I not use Borland C++ Builder 3?  I ask this because when I run the command make -fmakefile.bcc I get a lot of errors and it won't let me continue.  Is this because I am using Borland C++ Builder 3?

    I am sorry if this is a repeated subject, but any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.



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