Re: [CODE] Rent flag..

From: Patrick Dughi (
Date: 03/31/99

> Assuming it is sending the message to the user, but then letting them quit
> anyway, that would be because your code keeps happily executing the rest of
> the quit code after sending the message. Try changing that to
>  ~  if (IS_SET(ROOM_FLAGS(ch->in_room), !ROOM_RENT)) {
>  ~     send_to_char("This doesn't look like a good place to camp.");
>  ~     return;
>  ~  }
        Aside from that, something in me cringes when I see:

>  ~  if (IS_SET(ROOM_FLAGS(ch->in_room), !ROOM_RENT)) {

        Not that i'm all-in-all good with this, but I think that is always
going to come up as true.  You might think of setting it to one of the

       if(!IS_SET(ROOM_FLAGS(ch->in_room),ROOM_RENT)) {
       if(IS_SET(ROOM_FLAGS(ch->in_room),~ROOM_RENT)) {

Of course, I could be wrong. Usually, its the simple things that get me.


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