Re: Getting directions

From: Del (
Date: 03/31/99

Zeavon wrote:
> On Wed, 31 Mar 1999, Del wrote:
> > Is there a function to get the opposite direction of a movement?
> >
>   sprintf(buf, "$n has arrived from %s%s.",
>                (dir < UP ? "the " : ""),
>                (dir == UP ? "below": dir == DOWN ?
>                "above" : dirs[rev_dir[dir]]));

Thank you very much, this also helped me find out that the extra directions
snippet does not account for rev_dir, so those of you using extra
exits/directions. Make sure your rev_dir[] accounts for them!!

Plus I didn't think about directions up and down being in the equation, I
modified the above slightly to add in directions for ne se sw and nw.

 sprintf(buf, "$n has arrived from %s%s.",
               (dir < UP || dir > DOWN ? "the " : ""),
               (dir == UP ? "below": dir == DOWN ?

Again, Thanks!

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