At 07:35 PM 3/31/99 -0800, you wrote: >It really depends upon game design and preference, but I don't think this >is a good thing or will make for happy and joyous players. This increases >the ability to hoard. Many times you're not killing player X for exp, but >for their equipment. Let's say we have a PKer going around killing >Player A's friends. The PKer wouldn't normally be able to do this if it >weren't for the fact that he stumbled upon Super Duper Weapon. So Player >A goes through and manages to kill PKer, but just barely. PKer repops >magically with all his EQ, runs up, and hits Player A once, killing him >and then resumes his killing spree. Player A and friends get frustrated >and bother the overworked imp about PKer. > I took a few suggestions from other imps, and managed to fix the Char-loses-all-eq-and-bitches problem. Now when the char dies, he's transported to a room called "Inside a Wooden Coffin" or some such, i forget, as my WOM named it. (a note about this follows the body of the mailing) He/she must remain in the coffin for a period of 5 minutes before he/she is allowed to "dig" his/her way to the surface. This prevents your PKer from running back and killing Player A. As for "super duper weapon"... I've imp'd a tweak code, so the chances of finding a weapon that would give a large advantage are minimal. I've also added roomflags for NOPK and PK, so I've got certain areas where pk is allowed, it's not the whole mud. >This is a bad idea, IMHO, for every type of game. It simply devolves into >power MUDding without any control mechanism. I don't know what type of >game you want to run, but I can almost guarantee this won't make it more >enjoyable. > Hmmm, perhaps an object timer would be a good thing to add. Weapons and such would crumble to dust after a period of time, thusly increasing the value of the more powerful items? ---- K, code problem. As I said above, the char is trans'd from whatever room to, let's say for the sake of keeping this simple, room #100. I've tried: using the extern which i'd defined in config.c char_to_room(ch, r_mort_death_room); and I've tried char_to_room(ch, 100); As well as char_to_room(ch, variable); Granted I've been working on this straight for about 8 hours now and it's beginning to get light out, but someone tell me wth i'm missing >:P~ +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ: | | | +------------------------------------------------------------+
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