Re: Good C books

From: Barry O'Mahony (Barryom@VISIO.COM)
Date: 08/05/99

Yes, Have to agree there.
_ANYTHING_ by Schildt is amazing.
His writing style is so good, you can actually read his books, without a
computer near you
and understand what he is saying.
Teach your self C, C:The Complete Reference, C++:The Complete Reference and
MFC from the ground up comprise the Kernal of my Library.

-----Original Message-----
From: Aaron Throckmorton [mailto:throck@USA.COM]
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 1999 2:27 AM
Subject: Re:  Good C books

My vote has to go to C: The Complete Reference by Herbert Schildt.
Excellent reference.  Also, C++: The Complete Reference, which covers C
and C++.


Tim wrote:
> I have the opportunity to expand my library at work.  I've been given free
> reign to get the books i want and the ones i need.  Which C programming
> books would you recommend to someone who is very new to C and wants to
> as quick as possible, etc.
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