Re: [CODE] Some freeky advance problems

From: Phillip A Ames (
Date: 08/23/99

On Sun, 22 Aug 1999 19:27:23 -0700 "Daniel A. Koepke"
<dkoepke@CALIFORNIA.COM> writes:
> Today, Phillip A Ames spake to the list:
> > Since all the levels for each of the classes need the same EXP to
> > level, I made level_exp's declaration void level_exp(int level)
> and
> > this is how I'm calling it from do_advance...
> Err, level_exp shouldn't be a 'void' since it's returning an
> integer.  At
> least, that's how you're using it.
> >   while(level_exp((GET_CLASS_LEV(ch, classnum) + 1) - GET_EXP(ch))
> < 0)
> Why are you subtrating their experience points from their class level?!
> That's your problem.
> -dak

OK, I changed level_exp to int level_exp(int level), and rewrote

void advance_xp(struct char_data * ch, int gain, int classnum, int
  int nextlev = (GET_CLASS_LEV(ch, classnum) + 1);
    sprintf(buf, "advance_xp called, %d gain, %d classnum", gain,
    log("%d nextlev", nextlev);
    log("%d before gain", GET_EXP(ch));
  GET_EXP(ch) += gain;
    log("XP after gain - %d", GET_EXP(ch));
  if (GET_EXP(ch) < 0)
    GET_EXP(ch) = 0;

  while(((level_exp(nextlev) - GET_EXP(ch)) < 0) && ((GET_CLASS_LEV(ch,
classnum) + 1) < newlevel)){
          log("level_exp(nextlev) - GET_EXP(ch)) = %d", (level_exp(nextlev) -
        advance_level(ch, classnum);
    nextlev = (GET_CLASS_LEV(ch, classnum) + 1);
          log("new nextlevel - %d", nextlev);

And this is how its being called from do_advance...
  advance_xp(victim, (level_exp(newlevel) - GET_EXP(victim)),
GET_ADVANCE_CLASS(victim), newlevel);

And this is what comes up in my logs...

Aug 23 09:20:55 :: [**LEVEL**] Grathol advanced to level 0 in Helm
Aug 23 09:20:55 :: [**NEW PLAYER**] Grathol [] .
Aug 23 09:20:56 :: Grathol entering game with no equipment.
Aug 23 09:21:38 :: [**SET**] Grathol's advance set to 1(Helm) by Gowron
Aug 23 09:22:01 :: (GC) Gowron has advanced Grathol to level 5 (from 1)
Aug 23 09:22:01 :: advance_xp called, 49999 gain, 1 classnum
Aug 23 09:22:01 :: 2 nextlev
Aug 23 09:22:01 :: 1 before gain
Aug 23 09:22:01 :: XP after gain - 50000
Aug 23 09:22:01 :: level_exp(nextlev) - GET_EXP(ch)) = -20000
Aug 23 09:22:01 :: [**LEVEL**] Grathol advanced to level 2 in Helm
Aug 23 09:22:01 :: new nextlevel - 3
Aug 23 09:22:01 :: level_exp(nextlev) - GET_EXP(ch)) = -10000
Aug 23 09:22:01 :: [**LEVEL**] Grathol advanced to level 3 in Helm
Aug 23 09:22:01 :: new nextlevel - 4

And these are the XP requirements for the first 10 levels
  /* Exp required for normal mortals is below */

    switch (level) {
      case  0: return 10000;
      case  1: return 20000;
      case  2: return 30000;
      case  3: return 40000;
      case  4: return 50000;
      case  5: return 50000;
      case  6: return 50000;
      case  7: return 50000;
      case  8: return 50000;
      case  9: return 75000;
      case 10: return 75000;

Any ideas? I'm stumped.

Phillip Ames    | Implementor of Apocalypse MUD | telnet://
ICQ: 8778335    | AOL IM: Grathol

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