Apply this patch to bpl15.

From: George Greer (
Date: 08/28/99

Index: act.item.c

RCS file: /home/circledb/cvs/circle/src/act.item.c,v
retrieving revision 1.28
diff -u -p -r1.28 act.item.c
--- act.item.c  1999/07/05 03:56:37     1.28
+++ act.item.c  1999/08/28 14:38:33
@@ -540,10 +540,9 @@ ACMD(do_drop)
   } else if (is_number(arg)) {
     multi = atoi(arg);
     one_argument(argument, arg);
-    if (!str_cmp("coins", arg) || !str_cmp("coin", arg)) {
+    if (!str_cmp("coins", arg) || !str_cmp("coin", arg))
       perform_drop_gold(ch, multi, mode, RDR);
-      amount = multi;
-    } else if (multi <= 0)
+    else if (multi <= 0)
       send_to_char("Yeah, that makes sense.\r\n", ch);
     else if (!*arg) {
       sprintf(buf, "What do you want to %s %d of?\r\n", sname, multi);

George Greer            | CircleMUD Snippets   |

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