The samples are: say, oecho, otransform, mtransform, and wecho (for listing mobs) I am not saying these are not useful, just would like to see other triggers using some of the other commands to get a better idea how to use the triggers. Someone, way back when, was going to put up a site with examples. In which they never did. I think you were going to do the same?? "Mark A. Heilpern" wrote: > > > There are a >few< basic ones in your DG patch; look at 0.trg. > The return value in the documents seem to be for coder information, not builder information. Any way you can make a note of that? As a builder, it sounds like I need to "return 1" in order to make the trigger work, which is false. Also, for testing your patches, I can test functionality overall if you want as I have taken 16, and patched to 17.. let alone get the zedit part back in. +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ: | | | +------------------------------------------------------------+
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