At 07:19 PM 2/4/00 +0100, you wrote: >Check your .mob files.. There can be a mobile with 1 million coins >or something :o) For those interested... I modified my own mlist to display a yellow or red flag next to mobiles (and objects in olist) or possibly no flag, according to the mob exceeding certain parameters that I find unacceptable be warning (yellow) or danger (red) levels. When my builders' zones don't pass the metrics (no red or yellows, without my agreeing to a specific reason for them), they don't get linked. Another modification I made to mlist and olist tells me how many of the mob or object are currently loaded in the game. This is helpful for tracking down those things built but accidentally not used. (Of course, with DG Scripts and other means of mobiles/objects springing to existence, this can be a false indication.) +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ: | | | +------------------------------------------------------------+
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