At 03:51 PM 2/4/00 -0600, you wrote: >This question can really only be answered by our friends >on the list who are familiar with Sammy's ASCII PFiles >2.0b I'm NOT familiar with that package, but the problem sounds basic enough. >I just implemented a CON_QEMAIL statement into my >MUD to get a players e-mail. Well, the e-mail is saved >fine when the character is created and sits fine in the >ASCII player file. > >However, when I go to a stat file character and try to >load the e-mail address from the ASCII pfile it loads >as: E-Mail: (null) > >The e-mail saves like this: > >Any ideas? (If more info is needed, please contact me >directly via email) I'd bet dollars to donuts that your load_char() routine is either not parsing the email address, or is not putting it in the right place. +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ: | | | +------------------------------------------------------------+
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