Re: MUD is up

From: Daniel A. Koepke (
Date: 02/05/00

On Sat, 5 Feb 2000, Jerry Billings wrote:

> Okay folks, I'm now legal :) It's in there.

...and you said something about going to half a dozen muds and not finding
the credits?  Which were those?  Send the info along to me at my address ( ;) and I'll look into them,

Despite what some people might say or think, we (meaning the development
team) do pursue license violations when we hear about them.  Of course,
not everything can be handled in an immediate and timely manner; but most,
I'm happy to say, are fairly quickly resolved by just asking nicely.  If
you think that's all we will or can do... well, try telling that to the
guy whose mud we had shutdown a few days ago.

Of course, the preference is ALWAYS to try to get it resolved in a
gentlemanly fashion.  Too bad it doesn't always work out quite so nicely.

-dak : ...on the road...

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