Re: [OFFTOPIC] Job opportunities

From: Ryan Le Gros (
Date: 02/06/00

My apologies, it was early when I sent that email, I had been up all night
before working on getting things for the company together. Relocation would
be to California, in the Visalia area which is about an hour south of Fresno
and 4 hours south of S.F. It is a nice area with cheap cheap living costs,
making it an ideal place to start up.

My apologies,
Ryan Le Gros

----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel A. Koepke" <dkoepke@CALIFORNIA.COM>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2000 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: [CIRCLE] [OFFTOPIC] Job opportunities

> On Sun, 6 Feb 2000, Ryan Le Gros wrote:
> > Relocation is a must but we are offering competitive salary (65k a
> > year) and good perks to make up for the risk taken with being employed
> > under any startup company.
> Maybe I missed it, but... One must relocate to where?  Or would just any
> ol' relocation do?  If I move to my couch, do I qualify?  Such a detail
> would probably be very useful to those people on the list that might be
> considering such a job.  But, again, maybe I just overlooked where it was
> in the letter.
> -dak
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