Re: Mailing List Archives

From: Del (
Date: 02/11/00

Mac Manson wrote:
> Just a idea for the new people out there.
> You can download, or view the archives that everyone is always telling you
> about.
> Look in the
> It has old list items un to 1997, and an other folder, I don't know if the
> more recent stuff is in there, because I'm starting at the begging and
> reading them all. There is also a lot of good stuff in there to use. Maybe
> someone else can let everyone know where the more recent stuff is, but
> that's probly in the FAQ.
> But the idea is:  read the archives, from start to finish, then watch the
> list, and you will be upto date with everything that everyone on the list
> has said.
> Mac Manson
> ICQ# 49355422
> Tikkanen MUD ( 8000)
>      +------------------------------------------------------------+
>      | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ:  |
>      |  |
>      +------------------------------------------------------------+

     | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ:  |
     |  |

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