Re: [THEORY] Structure...

From: George Greer (
Date: 02/12/00

On Sat, 12 Feb 2000, JD Smith wrote:

>In a message dated 2/12/00 3:43:30 PM Central Standard Time,
> writes:
><< I guess this would mean you can not have individual items.
> i.e. if You anchant one item, it enchants all items?
> If you have any method of changing an item, it changes all items?
> spells, inset, customizations, things of that nature?
>  >>
>No.  There are two structures, one global wide "prototype", and then there
>are individual instances of that structure.

CirleMUD does that already.  That's why all 'odif' mobiles don't die at the
same time all the time.

The strings are not copied (unless they're changed later in which case they
have a private copy), but the numbers are.

George Greer            | The OasisOLC Maintenance Effort   |

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