Re: who and where while in Oasis's OLC

From: Daniel Staudt (
Date: 02/14/00

what if you add a connection state that is not olc?
or you remove a connection state below con_dis and you put a new olc there
to save numbers?? or you need this check some where else?

useing >con_dis is called a hack. it only works in a given surcumstance
where all the numbers cooperate
useing macros lets you update all the code using an olc check(and thus this
macro) in one fell swoop

that is also why i took all the x_rnums and x_vnums and stuck in a typedef
int gloabl_type and just use it

>From: Del <caminturn@EARTHLINK.NET>
>Reply-To: Circle Discussion List <>
>Subject: Re: [CIRCLE] who and where while in Oasis's OLC
>Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2000 21:37:10 -0500
>A side note for your last email, if you add more olc states, you will
>have to fix
>the IS_BUILDING macro..
>Thats why I put it as > CON_DISCONNECT, cause all OLC states above it.
>No fixing or using of macros.
>"Jon A. Nielsen" wrote:
> >
> > > Does anyone know why when your in zedit, redit, medit or sedit that
> > > don't show up on where or who?  I would prefer that I could see them,
> > > maybe set a lvl their visible to when doing this.
> >
> > It's because when you're building, you're not in CON_PLAYING (you're in
> > of the CON_xEDIT states if you're using Oasis).  The solution that I
>came up
> > with was to create an IS_BUILDING macro and replace "if (d->connected)"
> > do_who with "if (d->connected && !IS_BUILDING(d))"  Here's my
> > macro:
> >
> > #define IS_BUILDING(d)  ((d)->connected == CON_REDIT || \
> >                          (d)->connected == CON_MEDIT || \
> >                          (d)->connected == CON_OEDIT || \
> >                          (d)->connected == CON_SEDIT || \
> >                          (d)->connected == CON_ZEDIT)
> >
> > ___
> > Jon A. Nielsen
> > Lazarus of Spear of Insanity MUD
> >
> >
> >
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