Hello, I'm a user of Mac68k and want coding circle under this platform. But I've some problem whith the interface and some precompiled class. There is anyone of you that have compiled Circle for Macintosh 68k(not PowerMac) ?! I compile under CodeWarrior, do you know? And I've take 'circle30bpl16.zip' with the patch for the correctly 'configure.h'. This is the only three errors that divide me to compile completely Circle: Link Error : ToolLibs.o: 'ULMULT' referenced from 'SPINCURSOR' is undefined. Link Error : GUSISIOUX.cp: 'stdout' referenced from 'SIOUXSocket::read(void*,int)' is undefined. Link Error : GUSISIOUX.cp: 'stdout' referenced from 'SIOUXSocket::select(unsigned char*,unsigned char*,unsigned char*)' is undefined. Thank at all, Filippo +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ: | | http://qsilver.queensu.ca/~fletchra/Circle/list-faq.html | +------------------------------------------------------------+
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