Re: adding levels to bpl16

From: Jon A. Nielsen (
Date: 02/16/00

> Ok for two days now i've been messing around with expanding the basic 34
> levels to 100+, i've found some old docs on modifiying bpl11 so using this
> as a very vauge guideline i've modified my structs.h and class.c files to
> reflect my new levels..but still the mud won't compile correctly. Can
> anyone tell me what they did to add extra levels to there bpl16 or 17 mud

Well, tell us what your compile errors are and some of the related lines,
and we can help you.  Or read the WTFAQ on the developer site, which, I
believe, has a good amount of information in the way of adding levels.

Jon A. Nielsen
Lazarus of Spear of Insanity MUD

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