Re: Sorry about where can I get this MUD.

From: Patrick Dughi (
Date: 02/17/00

> >         1. not my server. my particular mud has been stolen by the server
> > operatior in the past, though I was not affiliated with it at that time.
> There's nothing you can do about this.  You're probably going to end up
> having to compile the files on that computer at one time or another.  So
> all it really takes is the 'root' user to be around at the right time or
> make regular backups of your files.  It'd be harder for him, true, but
> certainly not impractical.  And if you're worried about 'root', then you
> shouldn't be running your Mud on his computer.

        True, but usually someone ripping off a program based on free
source, it's effort vs. result.  If it takes anything more than sneezing
to gather the info (just copying the dir over), it's usually not worth
someone's time unless they have personal interest vested in it.  What with
the other libraries I'm using, and this, it would make it difficult, to
say the least, to simply compile the code...

        And if you haven't sloughed through someone elses non-portable
code to make it work for your machine, especially if it was not intended
for public release, you'll have to trust me - you won't want to.

        Aside from that, _again_, I have no control over the machine.  I
don't know if he's keeping security uptodate, or if he at least
screenlocks his console when he leaves for the night.  I don't know if he
allows other employees access, or has given high-access accounts out to
others (friends, etc).  I don't even know if he makes backups regularly -
that's why I keep one on my own.  Unless you're root, or you're paying a
large bill, there's no reason to expect any of this.

> >         2. all coders + mud source share a common shell.
> Why?!  All of the pay services seem to give you multiple logins and, for
> free services, there's basically no overhead for having two or three
> users.  So I really can't understand why something like this would be true
> *ever*.

        Who said I use a pay service?  We're allowed by our very nice
admin to exist free of charge on a nice rarely-used server with a t1
connection.  The server itself is part of a buisness which has no buisness
whatsoever in either free hosting, or online games. Matter of fact, I
think it's either a graphics or advertisement agency. We're there because
the admin is a nice person. I make it a point to be as invisible as
possible, and not trouble him for anything but the severely obvious; Uh,
you chmodded the entire linux kernel source tree so only root can
read/write/admin .... we need access to the header files in there to

        It's a prety good system as far as I'm concerned, again, _I_ don't
allow anyone but people I trust to write code.  If I could get him to set
up remote cvs, that'd be peachy keen too, but I don't see that happening.

        All that aside, the coders still have to have access to code, and
that means seperate shell or not, they can make copies and distribute it.
There's no reason to believe that though trustworthy now, that they're
always going to be so.  All those stories about malicious ex-employees and
all that.  I'm just taking appropraite precautions.

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