I developed a stack of triggers to stat all the mobs/objects in a mud with zmud. It stores the data how ever you want with little modifications depending on changes to the vstat/stat displays. This can be tossed easily into a spread sheet or word doc. Another way, is to take olist, mlist and/or zlist to print more than just the object name. (easily done also). Currently, I have it list the mob's gold, level and experience. Objects it lists the affections, and depending on object type a few other variables. Dan Merillat wrote: > > Jess Heinig writes: > > However, to actually balance your mobs I'd reccomend running statistics > on your mob files. In unix, AWK is your friend for making a nice comma > delimited file to import into a statistics package. > > For instance, do some math on things like number of attacks * likelyhood > to hit a specific AC * average damage and then compare that to experience. > > Somewhere I've got a formula that figures out how much damage a mob dishes > out vs how much it can take (thaco * attacks * damage / AC * hp) Plot that > and look for outriders. You'll probably fall into a few ranges... > > Also, it's hard to formulate the value of items. They often are worth much > more then their "store" price, especially the good ones that are so > sought after. I'd look for "exceptional" items on average mobs. > +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ: | | http://qsilver.queensu.ca/~fletchra/Circle/list-faq.html | +------------------------------------------------------------+
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