Re: Standard Color Defines

From: Ryan Le Gros (
Date: 02/18/00

No because do_gen_comm's commands are all combined into one function, so
gossip, congrat, shout and holler all use the same function and the way its
set up makes using a color patch impractical.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Patrick Dughi" <dughi@IMAXX.NET>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2000 5:29 AM
Subject: Re: [CIRCLE] Standard Color Defines

> > I was wondering what the color for bright yellow was in standard defined
> > screen.h
> >
> > i.e. KYEL = dim yellow
> >
> > what would = bright yellow
> >
> > Im trying to modify the colors of do_gen_comm's gossip/congrat etc.
> >
> > If there is no define for bright how would I add it to screen.h
> > I remember ive done this before but it was a long time ago.
>         I know this sounds silly, but couldn't you just look at one of the
> multitude of color patches that exist on the ftp site?
> #define KBRED  "\033[41m"
> #define KBGRN  "\033[42m"
> #define KBYEL  "\033[43m"
> #define KBBLU  "\033[44m"
> #define KBMAG  "\033[45m"
> #define KBCYN  "\033[46m"
> #define KBWHT  "\033[47m"
> #define KBBLK  "\033[40m"
>         It also has a few others in there, like the code for clear,
> underline, blink, the actual dark/bright switch, etc.
>                                         PjD
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