Re: QP System

From: Dan Merillat (
Date: 02/20/00

Jerry Billings writes:
> In a message dated 2/17/00 6:03:20 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> writes:
> > Just create a new item, the quest token.  Give it to quest mobs.
> >
> >  Then you only need to modify do_get and friends to add the token value
> >  to ch->player_specials->questpoints and destroy the token.
> >
> >  Also has the advantage of letting quests be run with a simple load obj
> >  command.
> Hrmm I'm trying to understand what you mean here...the token gives you a QP
> point and then disapears as soon as you take it from the mob? if this is the
> case i'll need some pointers on what to change in do_get and what is friends?

"something and friends" = something and things like it.

More specifically, look at obj_to_char()

before it manipulates pointers, check the type of object against a quest
token, then add the value of the token to the quest points... then,
rather then moving it to the character, do obj_from_char() then extract_obj().


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