Re: [CODE] Parallel Processing

From: George Greer (
Date: 02/21/00

On Tue, 22 Feb 2000, Andrew Ritchie wrote:

>If I had two processors running in my server computer, would Circle take
>advantage of this?

Not in the slightest.

>Is it something that the computer/operating system automatically
>harnesses, or is it something that needs to be coded in?

Your system will run better with two processors but Circle itself will not
run any better.

>Does anyone have any idea what it could be useful for in a MUD?

If we were threaded it might help.

>If you could somehow split all CPU operations between the two CPUs that
>would be great, that's if it doesn't already do that. Discussion is

I think the better question is why?  CircleMUD does not take up much
processing power at all.  Even a lowly 486 could keep up with it.  I'm
guessing a 386 wouldn't have much trouble either if it had enough RAM.

George Greer            | The CircleMUD FAQ   |

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