Dave Ely wrote: > > I was reading through about the buffers and was wondering what a normal buffer switch > was? Or if there is one? The reason I ask, is that I looked at my stats and was kinda > wondering why mine were so high lately. Here is what I got: > I'm not positive about what I'm about to say but if I'm wrong I'm fairly sure that someone will come along and correct me, so here goes... This is nothing to worry about, see the comments interspersed... > Current stats: > 1 players in game 1 connected > 9 registered > 1407 mobiles 573 prototypes > 1306 objects 683 prototypes > 1966 rooms 36 zones > 2 large bufs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Only 2 large buffers are being used, not bad, CircleMUD will re-use a large buffer but will not destroy one, therefore this number *should* also be the largest number of buffers in use at any given time since the last reboot. If this number starts growing then you have something to worry about. > 607 buf switches 0 overflows ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is also nothing to worry about, all it is saying is that the MUD switched from using a small buffer to a large buffer a total of 607 times since the last reboot. If you already have large buffers allocated it will simply reuse them, it should not be leaking memory for this. If there are no existing large buffers available then the MUD will simply create a new one and when it is no longer needed it will be available for future use as well. > > and mind you, this was for 6 hours and with only 2 people playing at one time. > > Does this seem like an overly large amount of buf switches to you? Well, that depends on the amount of activity, a lot of buffer switches can occur if, for example, someone writes a really long board post, then everyone reads it when they log in. And yes, logging in can easily cause a buffer switch, especially if you have a large MOTD, however, it is nothing to worry about and should not cause any significant loss of resources or performance. Again, the number to watch is large bufs, if that starts growing then you have something to worry about, buffer switches is harmless. > And if so, how would I go about finding why and fixing it? Well, aside from rewriting the buffering system (which will probably be done for 3.1 anyways), the only thing you can do to reduce this is to limit things like MOTD, room descriptions, board posts, etc. to very short ones, however, it is nothing to worry about, and I would not even think of going to any trouble over it. Regards, Peter +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ: | | http://qsilver.queensu.ca/~fletchra/Circle/list-faq.html | +------------------------------------------------------------+
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