Re: MobProgs

From: Peter Nielsen (
Date: 05/10/00

On Wed, 10 May 2000, Shawn Kimbley wrote:

> I'm attempting to add MobProgs to bpl15 with OasisOLC 2.0 and have this error
> while compiling:
> mobcmd.c: In function 'do_mptransfer':
> mobcmd.c:625: too few arguments to function 'get_char_vis'
> The suspect lines are:
> If ((victim = get_char_vis(Ch, arg1)) == NULL)          <-- line 625
> {
>     bug(blah);
>     return;
> }

Perhaps you should try.. get_char_vis(Ch, arg1, FIND_CHAR_ROOM) etc etc.. or
FIND_CHAR_WORLD if not searching for char in room but in world instead..

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