Re: DG Script question

From: Del (
Date: 05/12/00

Myself and many other can probably give you the answer, but
I think it would be best for you to learn where the documents
are for DG Scripts.
Locate each type of script has a way to send messages to
players, rooms, etc..

Jeff Boschee wrote:
> I am trying to make a script for an object that shows a message to the
> wearer/wielder but echoes a message to the room.
> Basically this is what I want to see (If possible)
> Schmuckatelly wears a clown hat of infravision
> to char:
> Upon wearing the hat your eyes glow red.
> to room:
> Schmuckatelly's eyes glow red.
> I am able to do the first part, but I can't figure out if there is a
> variable that will work for the second part,
> I've tried %name%, %actor%, %victim%.
> I don't want to hard code the name in the script for obvious reasons.
> Zarius
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