Re: [Newbie-ish] Raise a Level during a fight

From: Peter Nielsen (
Date: 05/13/00

On Sat, 13 May 2000, Bobby L. Russ wrote:

>         Alright, I am going to risk sounding like a complete newbie here, but I think I've got to solve this little issue
> with my mud.  Every once in a while, it will say that "You rise x Level(s)" in the middle of the fight.  What causes
> this?  It is because of some skill improving?  I am using CircleMUD 3.0 bp 17.... on Linux Redhat 6.2.  This is enabling
> people to level much quicker than I wanted.  I haven't yet tracked the reason for this, but thought you all might be
> able to help.  I want to thank you in advance for whatever assistance you can give...

Your "problem" is that you gain experience with every hit you make so if you
just need a few exp to level and hit a mob it would cause you to raise a
level.. not sure this is really a problem but if you think it is.. take out the
part where it gives you exp for every hit you make in combat..

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