Re: Cancelation of membership. (AARGH!!)

From: Tony Maro (
Date: 05/15/00

> On Mon, 15 May 2000 wraith@PICKENS.NET wrote:
> >        I am officially requesting that I be removed from the
> mailing list for CircleMUD.
> [...]

> In fact, I'm feeling nice, I'll read it *for you*.
> --- 8< ---
> Q2: How do I subscribe/unsubscribe to the Mailing list?
> Now should I browse the web for you too?

Hehe - it's amazing how many people don't have a web browser installed.

Or maybe they just don't know what a FAQ or URL is.

George, could you e-mail me the circlemud website, too?

Just kidding...

I vote we put a short one-liner how to remove at the end along with
the FAQ notice.

     | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ:  |
     |  |

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